Guys, I confess: I’m on Weight Watchers.

You know what?

I’m just going to say it.

I’m doing Weight Watchers.

Whew. Okay. It’s out. Now you know.

Yeesh, I can already hear my friends:

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Well, actually, I’ve been on Weight Watchers for about 2 months.

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Sorry guys.

Here’s the thing:

For the last two years of college, I haven’t been, well, the healthiest. I go to the gym a lot, but I also love to eat. A lot. I don’t eat too poorly (I love fruits and veggies) but I also eat tons of rice and bread and I love pastries.

And so, for the last two years, my weight has been steadily creeping upwards. Not fast, mind you. I didn’t get the freshman fifteen.

More, like, uh. The freshman five?

Last semester particularly wrecked havoc on my health. I had to cook for myself for the first time. I barely went to the gym. I was stressed and sleep deprived.
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My mom became seriously worried. Or maybe she was just being a pretty standard Asian-American mother. But at least she’s concerned for me, which is always comforting to know.
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Most of the time, I just ignore my mom and tell myself that it’s whatever. But I really do eat– a ton— and it was getting hard to ignore.

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I was in denial and I knew it. The irony is that I spent a year writing a ridiculous comic about weight loss. I continued to tell myself I was fine– until one night, at my friend’s dorm…
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I don’t think I’m particularly fat– but I could be. And I was getting there. Then, last February, my doctor told me that I was on the border between normal and overweight. 

It was time to reverse the trend.


I know, I know: I’m paying for a weight-loss service like a chump. I should just eat salads and exercise more, right? I don’t have hundreds of pounds to lose, after all. My problem, though, is that I have no willpower. I’ve tried free calorie-counting tools like MyFitnessPal (which I actually used the entire time I wrote and drew Minus One) but I just couldn’t stick to it. I couldn’t commit.

If I literally put my money where my mouth was, though, maybe I could get some motivation.

That, and the fact that I told my mom.

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Thus I signed up for Weight Watchers.

Not for their weekly meetings, mind you. Only their online tools. I was actually ready and rarin’ to join a Weight Watchers group– but then I went to one as a trial run.

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I guess the meetings just weren’t for me. (They do work for a lot of people, though!)

So now, I have the Weight Watchers online tools on my iPod. I’ll be honest: I’m impressed! The site, in addition to giving you a tool to track your food with, provides recipes, exercise tips, success stories for all ages, general healthy living tips, and… dang, I sound like a paid advertisement. But, I’ve been trying. I really have! For example, instead of cooking

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I’ll make something like

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I used to go to the gym to do this:

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But now, I’m challenging myself. I’ve been going to fitness classes regularly to be schooled by the 60-year old women.

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And you know what? It’s working. It was hard at first, but somehow, Weight Watchers actually seems to work and I’ve actually been able to lose weight without starving myself. I appreciate how the program measures your daily intake of food based on macronutrients, not calories, and how it emphasizes that you can still eat things you like– but in smarter portions.

It’s totally strange, too. I spent 9 months writing a comic about weight loss and the benefits you can get from it. You know, like increased energy, boosted mood, and better sleep.

The comic is fictional. Yet I’m experiencing it in real life.

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I’ve even been experiencing the same problems Max went through.

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It’s a pretty bizarre feeling. 

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I’ll be honest with you: I’m not the strong-woman-who-don’t-care-what-no-one-thinks that I wish I was. Teenage girls tend to obsess over their weight. We also have a tendency to tell our friends to YOLOI’m completely guilty of this.

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Therefore, for the last two months, I’ve kept my Weight Watchers endeavors private. Not because I think trying to lose weight and be healthy is embarrassing– but because I knew I wouldn’t have the willpower to withstand

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But for the past two weeks, I’ve been slipping up a bit. I’ve hit a… plateau? And while these weight-loss plateaus can be attributed to things like slowed metabolism, less lean muscle mass, etc, etc, etc…

I know why it’s happened.

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I’ve concluded, then, that I need to put it out there. I have to increase my accountability. The more people who know, the more people I’ll have to answer to. And now, two months in, I know I should be able to withstand any friend telling me that “I don’t need to do this.”

Because I know I don’t need to do this. I want to. I want to be healthy, and look better, and feel generally good. And I don’t think that’s anything to be ashamed of.

So this is my declaration. This is it. I’m the most confident person– believe it or not, I doubt myself all the time–

But this is one goal that I’m going to achieve.

23 thoughts on “Guys, I confess: I’m on Weight Watchers.

  1. Wow! I saw the title and came in here to say all those willpower-sapping things that were the reason you didn’t post about this 2 months ago, thus proving the wisdom of your decision not to do so! I really enjoyed this article. Knowing you as I do (well, I’ve read your blog posts!) I have no doubt in your ability to live healthy and stay in shape once you turn your mind to it.

    So, while it’s true that you’re not fat, and you are gorgeous the way you are, I fully support your determination to stay that way!

  2. Do know that, at some point(s), you will not lose weight, but may even gain, but will lose inches. Muscle weighs more than fat.
    Also, look into some breakfast bars – extra fiber to help lower the carb count.
    That helps me a lot.
    And, unfortunately, it takes 18 times to make a habit.
    Wish you luck. But you will do fine.
    I support your efforts,

    • Haha my dad used to tell me the same thing! I think his was, “it only takes three times to start a bad habit but 28 times to start a good one.” Or something like that.
      I’ll look into breakfast bars! Fiber is always a good thing. I’ve been eating more fruits and veggies for that purpose. You’re completely right about the extra weight from muscle gain, too– I forgot about that one!
      Thank you for your support 😀

  3. Well, this seems like an appropriate place for my intellectual status, which is very high. Trying to lose wait I see. Well, have I got the thang for you.

    But, no seriously. Like actually serious. I wanted to get thinner a few months ago (actually I have wanted to get thinner for a while but did not know how to approach it), but I did not know where to turn to. Then through a series of internet clicks from how to read faster to lucid dreaming I found Tim Ferriss. While you should definitely get The 4-Hour Workweek, his book The 4-Hour Body is all about how to maximize your body’s potential. It also includes ways you can lose wate extremely quickly (I mean like freak of nature fast (no, I mean like one example of someone who followed his advice lost 100 pounds in 12 weeks (100 P0UNDS IN 12 WEEKS!!! THAT’S MORE THAN A POUND A DAY!!))) Now, he does tell his readers right away that they need to stay focused on losing wiehgt and not give in, or there is no point in reading his book. The main way he tells of is an extremely strict diet, but it is also extremely effective. Pick up the book, though, and see if it is right for you. Chances are: it is.

    To see what he is all about click here:
    You can actually find many of his tips right on his website. Highly recommend the book, though.

    I have lost ten pounds using this method (lost the weight in two weeks), but then I platteued, so I gotta get a kettlebell from Amazon (talks about that in the book).
    But, the unfortunate, gritty truth is that you need real motivation to pull off this diet (everything else he talks about is cake). It really is that hard. But, one of the best advice for that is to take it slow, and slowly integrate his rules into what and how you eat.
    The question Ferriss asks: For all things physical, what are the tiniest changes that produce the biggest results? This book answers that question.
    But, no seriously. Use whatever best works for you, but this book would be crazy for all areas of your health, and remember to uhhhh… stay beautiful? Yeah, I don’t know. Trying to be inspirational.

    By the way, this is a reminder to get The 4-Hour Workweek (another Tim Ferriss). And to meditate with some meditate tips:
    1. MAKE SURE you are comfortable (probably sitting in a chair or laying down (probably not any sitting styles yet)) You cannot have any body parts falling asleep or hurting.
    2. Sit up straight.
    3. Close them eyes.
    4. Attempt to clear your mind and think of nothing
    5. Take slow, deep breaths with your stomach (not chest, like you normally would)
    6. Return your mind to thinking about nothing, or focus on your breathing, or if a uber-n00b you can either say out loud or think or something extremely repetitive when you breathe like 1-2 or A-B or In-Out or repetitively count to ten with each in-out breath. (If you hate silence, you can have some very quiet, repetitive classical/baroque/romantic music (but this would need to be soothing and relaxing (I mean like, Mozart is too exciting)
    7. Do this for 5 min.s if a begginner at this, slowly work your way up to longer periods of time.
    8. Do this once or twice a day. (very good idea to schedule a time)
    8. Do this daily. This cannot be emphasized enough. If you pulled this off daily, then you would reap the benefits so fast, you would not believe.
    Benefits can be found here:
    Good luck. I will be cheering you on the whole way with whatever you choose. Except with Breaking Bad and The Wire. You have to watch those. Like, no choice. (only joshin’)

    • So I read the description for the 4-Hour Body book, and IT SOUNDS SO HARDCORE, DANG! Also, 10 POUNDS IN TWO WEEKS?! Dude, you must have some nutso willpower. I guess the thing I like about WeightWatchers is that it doesn’t ask for the impossible. It emphasizes that you’re not on a diet– you’re changing your lifestyle, as this is the only was to truly keep the weight off and stay healthy. (And as one who’s had to talk to health researchers (for Minus One) I believe it.) Weight Watchers also states that you shouldn’t lose more than 2 pounds a week, as any faster can really throw your body for a loop and be unsustainable! I don’t know, maybe I just don’t like the idea of doing a hardcore, strict diet, especially my goal isn’t weight loss– it’s being healthier, and keeping it that way.

      I tried meditating today! I… kind of sucked at it. Whelp, practice makes perfect, right? I think I spent the entire time thinking, “DON’T THINK! BREATHE! DON’T THINK! BREATHE! AHHHH!” I’ll try again tomorrow.

      Thanks for all your advice, by the way! I’m looking into getting a library card. Free books = awesome.

      • You could lose more than 2 pounds in a week as long as you are not doing anything crazy like starving yourself or crazy exercising. The 4-Hour Body is extremely hard core. However, I actually eat the way the book suggests and not just to lose weight. The simple fact is that most foods available to us is unhealthy, so not eating them, except once a week (the book talks about that), would keep us in the best of health. Changing your lifestyle is also what the book suggests. It is just a really hard core lifestyle.

        MEDITATING!!! HAHAHA GOOD JOB VY!! And don’t get discouraged, if you are bad at first (I kept thinking about One Piece), but keep on doing it and you will start to see benefits in a week if not sooner!! Like that meditating website said, there are no negatives to meditating, only a bunch of positives that most people are not getting.

        Great job on going for that library card!! FREE BOOKS ARE THE BEST!! If you want any more advice, just ask! Believe in the me that believes in you!!

        • Ok, I wasn’t clear. The 4-Hour Body does have a crazy diet/lifestyle plan, but it is chock full of other things that are also really great. Including other ways to get rid of unwanted fat. Continue to check out his website for more. Or just read the book.

  4. What a coincedence! I’ve also been doing a weight loss program from about two months! It’s not Weight Watchers though — I’ve never done that, although mom has — it’s this thing that mom bought for me to do with her. My mom loves Jillian Michaels, so she bought a program by her.

    We have to exercise every day by her workout DVDs except Sunday, and follow her meal plan (which is really more of a prepare-it-yourself-with-healthy-ingredients kick than Weight Watchers. So like what Max had to do).

    Totally feel you about eating out; last month, mom had her birthday, and my sister took her out to somewhere that turned out to be a pub. I’ll admit, I had a soft drink. And some chips.

    • Wow, good for you! Weight Watchers is a prepare-it-yourself program as well, actually. (None of those meals-delivered-to-your-door craziness) So I can try to cook their recipes or build my own and WW will calculate the point value for me.

      Eating out is rough! I never want to miss out on trying a new food, and I’m also loath to spend money on a salad when I could get something more delicious for the same price. I have yet to find a good way to handle eating out. Still, I also think eating what you want once in a while isn’t a bad thing. Otherwise, you’ll feel deprived. As long as you don’t eat uncontrollably like I do!

      • The one I went to was pretty good. It had a pool and spa too, as well as all different rooms for classes, lots of machines (the kind with TVs as well) as jiggle machines…

        I don’t know what they’re actually called, but you do positions such as squats on them, and they’re supposed work more of your body. I don’t use them, but they’re there, and I recall some people even did classes on them. I think it’s all a bit weird myself.

        Oh, but they also had a rock climbing wall and a health food cafe. There were two levels, and I had a personal trainer, and I did a really tough boxing class!

        And that’s all I have to say about that.

        • That sounds super super nice. Rock climbing is so much fun! I’m going to see if I can join the USydney sports and recreation facilities, but it’s good to know that there are options!
          Though I like the idea of boxing class. It sounds fun!

  5. Oh, yeah, being sleep-deprived and stressed out will make you fat so fast that… well… you know. Get some sleep and kick stress in the pants by meditating!! See above for details.

  6. I love your guy friend who said, “Vy, have sone pie.” Amongst all of the encouraging remarks, he offers you pie. Hahahahaha!! Do you have a friend who offers food like this?

    • My friends and I like to push food on each other all the time. Eating is better as a shared experience, you know?
      Okay, I exaggerated a little when I said nobody knew I was on Weight Watchers. Exactly two of my guy friends knew– and I ended up telling them only because they kept insisting and insisting that I share their cheesecake with them. So yeah. True story. (They kept it private for me, though, which I appreciate!)

  7. Glad to know that I’m not alone in going home from college and being told I was fat. You gotta love Asian parents. So I didn’t gain any weight freshman year. Somehow I lucked out but I did gain 3 pounds this semester, probably because I convinced myself that going to the gym twice a week could cancel out all the junk I was eating. Eating healthy in college is tough! I now have a friend remind/tell me that I can’t eat dessert until the weekends and eating out less is helpful when you have no money to spend. I wish you the best of luck!

    • Eating healthy in college is the hardest thing! Dining hall food is always horribly tempting. At my school, they put the desserts by the door so you can always smell those freshly-baked cookies as you walk in and out. So, yeah: the first time I visited home in college, I instantly got the Asian mother disapproval.

      Even when you’re cooking for yourself, it can be hard! Simply because fresh produce is way more expensive then, say, instant ramen or frozen waffles. Plus, cooking healthier takes more time. Good for you for getting a friend to help you out! Good luck to you too 🙂

  8. Pingback: 5 things I’ve learned from a year of Weight Watchers | I think in comics.

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