
It started with comics. I love comics, and I love ranting about them, but most people don’t really care. Solution? Rant to the internet!

And that’s how I started blogging. As fate would have it, I was soon offered the chance to go to Germany for 6 weeks on an exchange program. A popular trend among exchange students is to blog about their experiences. Why not? I’ll jump the bandwagon, I thought. So I did.

That blog was insanely fun to write and garnered far more readers than I ever expected. When I got home from Germany, I wanted to keep going. And so this blog was born. Read on as I try to adjust to college, figure out what the heck I’m doing with my life, and the general debauchery I get myself into.

I’ll try to update as often as possible, naturally, but for now I can’t be sure exactly when. Life generally gets in the way of online pursuits. Take a look at the shabby update schedule of 99% of webcomics and you’ll understand.

Click below for Viet Girl Goes German:

Or, the somewhat less entertaining maniacallycomical:

12 thoughts on “About

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