I got nominated for a Liebster Award!

Heya! The awesome folks over at A Mix of Things were kind enough to nominate me for the “Liebster Blog of the Year Award“! I’m honored, flattered, and also a little shocked that a blog as popular as theirs would have even heard of a blog like mine. Regardless, I’m extremely grateful!

Being nominated for this award comes with a few rules, though, which I will also kind of follow:

  1. Answer the questions your nominator gave you
  2. Nominate some blogs
  3. Let them know you nominated them!

And now, I have to answer the questions given to me. Let’s go!

(By the way, I accidentally left my tablet stylus at home. Therefore, I have to use my old one– so the drawings are going to look a little wonky in the next post or two. For some reason, the pen pressure isn’t working!)

1. Do you know the origin of the Liebster Blog of the Year Award?

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As far as I can understand, the Liebster (German for “dearest”) Award seems to be a blog meme. You know, like the a blog tag or a chain letter. You get nominated, answer some fun little questions, and then pass it on to your favorite bloggers. While it’s not an *actual* award, it’s a great chance to promote the blogs you love! And I’m still hugely flattered to have been nominated.

2. Are you flattered that we nominated you?

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3. How has your blog been progressing since its initial launch?

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So, all in all, not bad!

4. What do you love and hate about blogging?

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5. What makes a blogger different from a journalist?

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Okay, so the blogger vs. journalist debate is a real thing. After all, more and more news content is being distributed online by independent authors– much like a blog. However, while I believe that some blogs can count as journalism, not all bloggers are journalists. I mean, do seem like a journalist to you?

6. Do you think that bloggers are an important part of today’s media? Why?

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I mean, microblogging (via Twitter, tumblr, etc) is hugely popular. People can share their opinions and thoughts in seconds. Information can spread rapidly these days!

And then you have more traditional blogs, that provide different insights on news, fashion, politics… adding their own thoughts and ideas into the fray.

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7. What makes your blog different from your counterparts?

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8. Is it important for bloggers to stick together? To what extent?

One of the things I like the most about blogging is, well, other bloggers! So far, the comments and messages I get from other bloggers have been nothing but positive and supportive. In turn, I really enjoy reading and commenting on other blogs. I think this “sticking together,” in terms of creating a vibrant, diverse community of writers, is important and also really awesome. I mean, I once got a comment from a girl from Finland. How cool is that?!

“Sticking together” while blogging can extend even further. A single blog can have multiple authors. Writers from separate blogs will collaborate with each other. Working with other bloggers can both provide a sense of competition and provide a network for advice and support.

I admit, though, that I haven’t done this. I mean, I write a blog about myself. Nobody knows my life quite like, uh, me. But collaborative blogging can be extremely valuable! (I even tried it once!)

9. Do you pay attention to your stats? Is it important to you?

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Although I cared even more when I first started blogging. But now, I know that– even if everybody else stops reading I think in comics– my mom will always be there to stalk my blog.

10. Who’ll win in a Thor vs. Hulk fight?

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11. Ever been to NYC?

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(Wall Street!)

And that’s that.

Here are my nominations:

  1. notlateone
  2. Reasonably Ludicrous
  3. The Nomad Grad
  4. The Chronicles of a Skinny-Jeans Wearing Toronto Girl
  5. A Word from Japan

And here are some questions for them!

  1. Why did you start blogging?
  2. What’s your favorite aspect of blogging?
  3. What do you NOT like about blogging?
  4. Do you pay attention to your pageviews? Are they important to you?
  5. What’s your go-to comfort food?
  6. How do you deal with writers’ block?
  7. Do you think you will ever stop blogging?
  8. And finally, what’s your favorite kind of chocolate? (Brand, flavor, etc.)

16 thoughts on “I got nominated for a Liebster Award!

    • Thank you! I love your blog as well– it mixes clothes, food, beauty, comics… and yet has a very cohesive, fashionable feel. I’ve been reading through your blog and will definitely be reading in the future! 🙂

  1. Finally, I was looking for a good journalist. (Yeah!!) Of course, Thor would win. But Whitebeard could beat them both in a fight, even if Thor and Hulk were on the same team.

  2. Pingback: Can I, like, ACTUALLY write? (Vy gets blog-tagged again) | I think in comics.

  3. Did you ever think you’d get a comment from someone whose country you’ve never even heard of before?
    Yup, I’m from Kosovo, and I just wanted to say that I really like your blog, especially the ones from Japan 😀

    • Haha, I’m ashamed to admit that I had to Google that one! Southeastern Europe, right? I’m honored to have a reader from all the way across the Atlantic! I’m glad you enjoy my blog 😀

  4. Pingback: How some wooden floorboards changed my life (And 6 other things you might find mildly amusing) | I think in comics.

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