With love, to my readers

So I woke up the other day and looked at my WordPress:

To be more specific, I was looking at the pageview counter of this blog. Usually it looks like this:

But this day, it looked like this:

What was going on? I opened up an analysis of my blog’s pageviews, and realized:

Genau. I recently wrote a post about the popularity of One Piece in Japan, and it somehow managed to get couple thousand views in one day. For scale, I’m lucky to get a couple dozen views in one day. So I was just kinda like

I ran off and told my sister, somewhat bewilderedly. She told me

To which I responded

Because even if people find my blog once, because they liked one specific thing—One Piece—it doesn’t mean they’re going to come back and read it again. This whole thing got me thinking. At the beginning, I was all like

But, more and more, I’ve realized that’s not so important. I like blogging—I like being able to write whatever I want, to exercise the creative muscles, to draw crappy comics and get away with it. What I’ve come to like the most about blogging, however, are the people. Every time somebody likes a post, or sends me a comment, or a message, or tells me that they’ve enjoyed my comics, well, I just get all like

So I just wanted to say—thanks. Thank you to the readers who have been with me from the beginning, to those who jumped in at the middle, and to those who just found this blog—welcome! I’m Vy. Nice to meet you. To everyone who has reached out and sent me messages and comments—thank you. And to those who just read and run—thank you. 

I know having only a couple dozen readers is small beans in the vast, vast world of the internet. But knowing that there are those people– people out there who actually enjoy what I have to say—well, the feeling is incomparable.

(Alright, I’m done with the cheesiness. Just had to get that out there.)

Also, just a heads up—I’m actually romping ‘round NYC and Boston with my host sister/real sister this week, and then Acadia National Park the week after! There’ll be new posts this Thursday and Saturday. Thanks again!

13 thoughts on “With love, to my readers

  1. lol, i love you vy. your awesome. this is the first comic of yours that i saw besides the random one in pennbrook

  2. Ahhhhhhhh, Vy! This is great! I’m so proud of you! Your blog definitely deserves some attention. I love your work so much. It brightens my day.

      • oh, please. Mine is too heavy at times. XD Though I am having QUITE an adventure next week (cannot disclose all details at this time–but send good thoughts, vibes, and prayers in the direction of my family and I’ll have an even bigger adventure to blog about!)

    • Wow, thank you! That’s such an honor! I’m very flattered. I’ll definitely have to check out the other bloggers you nominated, too!
      The pageviews I get are pretty variable– perhaps not ONLY a dozen, but somewhere between like 30 and 100-something. It depends. Lately I’ve actually stopped paying attention to it, though 😛

  3. Pingback: What I’ve learned from a year of blogging | I think in comics.

  4. “why is one piece so popular in japan” That is the exact phrase I used on Google search on October 4, 2012. Your post of the show was the FOURTH down the list (great job!). I’ve already found many of your posts and comment on more than them, and I show no signs of slowing down. Why tell you this? So you know how I found this when I become the King of the Pirates.

    Your the best,

    P.S. I just got into Trigun and Samurai Champloo. Vash the Stampede is crazy! But cool, like you!

    • Whoa, you’re right! I can’t believe my blog is showing up as 4th! That’s actually super exciting (^▼^)
      I have yet to watch both of those series, but I heard that they’re good! I actually know a guy who took a class on Japanese pop culture and wrote his final essay on Samurai Champloo. Needless to say, I really want to take that class.

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