I decide over decorating that my roommate is cool

On the second day at Northeastern, I had settled well into my room. All that was left was to set up some decorations.

My roommate is so awesome. It’s not like she’s one of those geeky, anti-social recluses, either– she’s mad social and friendly! I got lucky yet again, it seems.

Especially considering the posters I have on my wall.

Two Pokemon, two Final Fantasy, and two One Piece posters. I recently added some Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time cutouts, too. Oh, and that's a map of Berlin.

10 thoughts on “I decide over decorating that my roommate is cool

  1. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!! Oh my gosh, that worked perfectly!!! Glad you’re not with some crazy roommate, like me *cough*angela*cough*

    I am jealous of your posters. Though I do have the one you made for me. And I see the one you made Kevin all the time. We’re all pretty swag.

    ._.v (can you see the asian pose? haha~)

  2. Well, there ya go! No worries in the roommate department, so go ahead and disregard all the horror stories about creepy roommates. XD Good for you!

    • I’m so glad! I’ve heard some outrageous stories about roommates (aka a roommate comes back drunk and pees on the floor, a roommate comes back drunk and pees on their roommate, a roommate comes back drunk and pees on their roommate and punches a hole in the wall and pees in there too.) but my roomie is definitely not like that! Thank goodness!

      • HAHAHAHA!!! That’s horrible, but HAHAHAH! Drunk people can be soooo funny. You know, as long as I’m not the one dealing with them.

        Only “two” One Piece posters.

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