Other blogs

It’s about time I started a blogroll. Go forth and check out these awesome people:


Private Secret Diary

Hyperbole and  a Half


Reasonably Ludicrous

The Nomad Grad

undead dad

This Japanese Life.

I keep a tumblr! Click the image below to check it, or ask me anything:

Alternatively, I have two old blogs that are now complete:

Viet Girl Goes German, on my misadventures as an exchange student in Germany…

…and Maniacally Comical, where I ranted about comics in a rather boring manner.

Also, I have a deviantart page that I never update.

6 thoughts on “Other blogs

  1. With respect for everyone else on this list, who are great, creative people, there is a mountain between them and Hyperbole and a Half. That blog is beyond words. No. I mean it; I can’t actually say anything about. Because, doing so would insult the creator. I have dreams– No. Professional comedians have dreams of being as funny as her. She is the end. Where the best end up.

    • HYPERBOLE AND A HALF. That blog has got to be the funniest site on the internet! A little bit after I started started this site, I discovered Hyperbole and a Half, which immediately filled me with tears of laughter and a deep feeling of inadequacy. I kept drawing comics anyway, BUT MAN, I CAN’T EVEN IMAGINE BEING EVEN HALF AS GOOD AS HER

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