I think in comics.

How some wooden floorboards changed my life (And 6 other things you might find mildly amusing)


I’ve been nominated for another blogging award! And by “award” I mean another blog chain-letter, you know, like the last one I did. This time I’ve been nominated by the awesome kindredspirit23, the same blogger responsible for this post. I’m very flattered that he picked this site again! The rules are, this time, to basically write a post announcing your nomination, nominate some other bloggers, and write seven interesting things about yourself.

Whoa! Hey! Whenever I do those “get-to-know-people” icebreakers, I have trouble coming up with one interesting thing, much less seven! Well, I’ll give it a shot. Sorry if they’re not the most exciting facts ever!

(Okay, so Battle Angel Alita wasn’t the very first comic I read, though it was the first manga. At the time, I didn’t even realize it was Japanese! It was– and still is– very inspiring to little ol’ me, though.)

Whew! Thanks again to kindredspirit23 for the nomination. And now you know!

Edit: AHHHH!! I forgot to nominate other blogs!! I’m a terrible person. Ok, here are 15 blogs that I particularly enjoy! I think these are for… the “Very Inspiring Blogger” and the “Versatile Blogger” awards? And, nominees, don’t feel any obligation to put up your own post. This is more of my way to show my love for these sites!

  1. Stuffgradslike
  2. Undeaddad
  3. Ramblings of a Foolish American
  4. Just Me & My Dad
  6. The Chronicles of a Skinny-Jeans Wearing Toronto Girl
  7. Reasonably Ludicrous
  8. The Nomad Grad
  9. notlateone
  10. Live, Nerd, Repeat
  11. A Word From Japan
  12. You know you’re over 40 when…
  13. Dolldelight
  14. zemotion
  15. When Geeks Wed
