I think in comics.

Screw finals, tomorrow’s Christmas


One day, my suitemates and I were looking at our cheerful Christmas décor and decided it needed a little something extra.

Thus, we decided, that before we all headed home, we would have a wonderful Christmas morning of our own! We would wake at dawn, open gifts, and share some holiday cheer!

Of course, this was in the middle of finals week. It matters little. Christmas takes priority over grades any day.

So we all went out, bought gifts for each other, and stuffed them into each others’ stockings. Stockings? Oh yes, stockings. My suitemates went so far as to obtain matching stockings, each in a various ghetto-fabulous print:

Thus we waited in anticipation for Christmas morning to come. Or more like passed out in bed until somebody woke us up.

And we all opened our gifts! It was delightful. We all obviously have very mature tastes.

And finally, our dear suitemates had a “Christmas surprise” for us!

Though we had trouble breaking it open.

It’s okay. We’re college kids. We can solve this, no problem.

And the piñata opened, with plenty of goodies inside.

Ah, yes. My suitemates are wonderful people. And that is how we celebrated Christmas at 7 in the morning! Though afterwards, we all headed straight for our beds. Except for one of us—she had to head to a final. All in the spirit of Christmas!

